Social media is now becoming a necessity in people’s lives, especially for students who are growing up in the digital age. These social media platforms are not only seen as communication means but also for entertainment purposes and platforms for getting information...
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How to Prepare for Pre board Exams?
Pre board exams form an important aspect of your school experience. Pre-board exams serve as practice tests for final exams which show students their current academic standing and highlight the subjects that require additional study. They may appear intimidating yet...
How to Stay Focused During Exams
Exam season is the most challenging season for a student. Examinations often lead to stress, and anxiety and can hamper your self-esteem. Many students face difficulty in sitting and concentrating for hours. Maintaining focus can be quite tough with multiple subjects...
The CBSE Exam Preparation Tips
The CBSE examinations are around the corner, and we are here too! The COVID-19 Pandemic significantly disrupted the education system, changing the exam pattern and preparation. Many students who became accustomed to online learning now face problems in offline...