The National Testing Agency has officially released the Official NEET Website. The National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test Undergraduate website, Neet UG 2025, has been officially launched by the NTA. The URL ( opens this NEET portal, which has all of the information about the exam, including how to register online, how to submit an application, information bulletins, exam city information slips, admit cards, provisional and final answer keys, results, and more.

About NEET UG 2025 Syllabus

NEET UG 2025 Syllabus

The National Medical Commission’s (NMC) Undergraduate Medical Education Board (UGMEB) has finalized the NEET UG 2025 syllabus. Physics, chemistry, and biology are all included in the new curriculum, derived from the NCERT curriculum for classes XI and XII, and are given below. The purpose of this alignment is to allow the students to prepare appropriately using the resources that are already available to them.

It is suggested that aspiring medical college students frequently check the Official NEET Website to avoid missing any crucial dates or information. The NTA has placed a strong emphasis on examining the updated syllabus for the creation of study materials and NEET UG exams for the academic year 2025–2026. 

The website will host some important proceedings: 

  1. The online registration process
  2. The complete registration process
  3. Information bulletin consisting of required details and guidelines 
  4. Exam city intimation slips 
  5. A student can download his/her online admit card through the official website 
  6. Provisional and the final answer keys
  7. The final results and ranks 

Official Statement Given By NTA


The official statement given by NTA is “The National Testing Agency (NTA) hereby brings to the attention of all stakeholders, especially aspiring candidates, that the syllabus for the National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (NEET) UG – 2025 has been finalized by the Under Graduate Medical Education Board (UGMEB), National Medical Commission (NMC). The public notice is issued to clarify that NTA will conduct the NEET (UG) 2025 examination strictly based on the syllabus finalized by NMC.” 

NEET UG 2025 Overview 

Exam NameNational Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (NEET)
Conducting BodyNational Testing Agency (NTA)
Exam LevelUndergraduate (UG) Exam at National Level
Exam FrequencyOnce a year
Total Registrations25 lakh approx. (NEET 2024)
Exam ModeOffline or Paper Pencil Based Test (PBT)
Courses Offered Through NEET UGMBBS, BDS, BSc Nursing, BAMS, BVSC & AH
Exam FeesINR 1,700 (General), 1,600 (OBC), 1,000 (Reserved category candidates), 9,500 (Foreign nationals)
Exam Duration and Timing
Languages/ Medium of paper 
3 hours and 20 minutes2 PM to 5.20 PM (IST)13 Languages: English, Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, Assamese, Gujarati, Marathi, Odia, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Punjabi and Telugu 

Important Dates for NEET UG 2025 

The following table brings the tentative timeline for the NEET 2025 exam. You can also check this on the Official NEET Website:

NEET 2025 exam date announcementFirst week of January 2025
NEET 2025 application form releaseFirst week of March 2025
NEET 2025 application form’s last dateFourth week of March 2025
NEET 2025 application correction windowFirst week of April 2025
NEET 2025 city intimation slipFourth week of April 2025
NEET 2025 admit cardFirst week of May 2025
NEET 2025 examFirst week of May 2025
NEET 2025 provisional answer key release and objection submissionFourth week of May 2025
NEET 2025 result and final answer keyThe second week of June 2025

Who Will Conduct The NEET UG 2025? 

The National Testing Agency (NTA) is responsible for conducting the NEET UG 2025. The NTA is an autonomous organization. This organization was established in 2017 by the Ministry of Education, Government of India. The National Testing Organization conducts all the possible high-stakes entrance examinations across the country. This organization has been conducting the NEET (UG) since 2019. It is organized with the approval of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the Ministry of Education under the directives of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.  NTA is known for its efficient, productive, and transparent procedures. It aims to ensure fairness, reliability, and accessibility in the examinations. The objective is to improve the equity and quality of education. 

Syllabus for NEET UG 2025 

Syllabus for NEET

The syllabus for The National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test UnderGraduate has been finalized by the Undergraduate Medical Education Board (UGMEB) under the National Medical Commission (NMC). The National Testing Agency has announced that the syllabus of the NEET UG 2025 is now available. Students can access the syllabus on the National Medical Commission’s (NMC’s) official website. ( as well as in the NTA NEET portal ( The students should check and analyze the official syllabus before the final preparation. A public notice has also been released declaring that NTA will conduct the NEET (UG) 2015 as per the latest syllabus released. The syllabus provides an insight into the topics that need to be focused on by the students. 

Detailed Syllabus

Physics & MeasurementPhysical ChemistryBasic Concepts of ChemistryDiversity in Living World
KinematicsStructure of AtomStructural Organisation in Animals and Plants
Laws of MotionChemical Bonding and Molecular StructureCell Structure and Function
Work, Energy & PowerChemical ThermodynamicsPlant Physiology
Rotational MotionSolutionsHuman Physiology
Properties of Solids and LiquidsRedox Reactions and ElectrochemistryGenetics and Evolution
ThermodynamicsChemical KineticsBiology and Human Welfare
Kinetic Theory of GasesInorganic ChemistryClassification of Elements and Periodicity in PropertiesBiotechnology and Its Applications
Oscillations and Wavesp-Block ElementsEcology and Environment  
Electrostaticsd- and f- Block Elements
Current ElectricityCoordination Compounds
Magnetic Effects of Current & MagnetismOrganic ChemistryPurification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds
Electromagnetic Inductions & Alternating CurrentsSome Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry
Electromagnetic WavesHydrocarbons
OpticsOrganic Compounds Containing Halogens
Dual Nature of Matter and RadiationOrganic Compounds Containing Oxygen
Atoms and NucleiOrganic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
Electronic DevicesBiomolecules
Experimental SkillsPrinciples Related to Practical Chemistry

The syllabus of the exam consists of three subjects- Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. The biology subject is further segregated into Zoology and Botany. The core subject of Chemistry is further divided into more three topics that are- Organic, Inorganic, and Physical Chemistry. This syllabus provides clarity on the important topics. This table provides all the necessary details. The students must study, analyze, and prepare the 11th-grade and 12th-grade NCERT syllabus thoroughly. Experimental subjects are added to the Physics Section. The best way to tackle the NEET examination is through thorough revision, sheer determination, and hard work. 

Also Read: Effective Techniques for NEET-UG Preparation

NEET 2025 Exam Pattern 

As per official notice, NEET is a pencil-based test (PBT). The duration of this exam is 3 hours and 20 minutes. There are 200 objective-type questions, following the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) pattern. 

Each section is divided into two sections- Section A and Section B 
SectionsNumber of QuestionsTotal Marks
Physics Section A35140
Physics Section B1540
Chemistry Section A35140
Chemistry Section B1540
Botany Section A35140
Botany Section B1540
Zoology Section A35140
Zoology Section B1540

The structure of the National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test Undergraduate has remained stable for the last two years. Within Section B, students have to attempt 10 questions out of the total, 15 questions. 

Marking Scheme for NEET UG 2025 

Marking Scheme+4 for each correct answer-1 for each incorrect answer

If a student doesn’t attempt a particular question, then he/she doesn’t get any marks for that particular question.  

Preparation Tips for the NEET Aspirants 
  1. Understand Exam Pattern & Syllabus: The first step always starts with knowing the structure and pattern of the NEET syllabus thoroughly. Get acquainted with the topics, and the subjects. Check the Official NEET Website to know more. 
  2. Time Management: Allot productive hours for each important topic. Analyze the weightage of each topic and prepare accordingly. 
  3. Practice: Thorough revision and practice of last year’s question papers are highly beneficial. One should be aware of all the possible patterns of questions. 
  4. Create a study plan: Create a timetable by analyzing all the topics that need special attention and sticking to the timetable. Manage the hours, and go through the topics. 
  5. Stay Consistent: Staying consistent is the key to crack any examination. The best advice is to keep revising and studying every day instead of cramming the last few days or hours of the exam. 
  6. Revise regularly: It is preferable to keep revising the topics every day. This method keeps the ideas and subjects fresh in the mind all the time. Losing touch on any topic is not advised. Plan and set time for weekly as well as monthly revisions. 
  7. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses: It is very important to asses one’s strengths and weaknesses to prepare properly. Based on the analysis, a student should prepare a preparation strategy that will further help them to cover the topics efficiently and should pay attention to the difficult topics as well.  
  8. Stay Healthy: Eating healthy and maintaining a diet helps the brain and body to function properly. Our diet has a pivotal role in keeping our brains active and productive. It results in efficiency. Take some rest, whenever required, and keep eating healthy for a better performance.